Webinar on Using a Trait-Based Approach to Predict Shifts in Albacore Tuna and their Prey
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On Wednesday, April 24th, at 2pm ET/11am PT, our Climate-Resilient Fisheries webinar featured Drs. Stephanie Green and Miram Gleiber from the University of Alberta, who shared insights and next steps from the project, "Using Predator-Prey Relationships to Predict Shifts in Marine Species Distribution." Over three years, our research team developed trait-based methods to predict predator-prey interactions in changing ocean systems, focusing on albacore tuna and pelagic species in the California Current systems. The project yielded a valuable open-access database of pelagic species traits and new methods for forecasting albacore availability along the Pacific coasts of the United States and Canada. A recording of the webinar will be available for those who missed it, and we encourage sharing it with interested colleagues and networks. This webinar was part of the Lenfest Ocean Program's Climate-Resilient Fisheries monthly webinar series.