A global synthesis of climate vulnerability assessments on marine fisheries: Methods, scales, and knowledge co-production
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- A global synthesis of climate vulnerability assessments on marine fisheries: Methods, scales, and knowledge co-production
- A Blueprint for Next-Generation Fishery Ecosystem Plans
- A Compilation of Parameters for Ecosystem Dynamics Models of the Scotia Sea Antarctic Peninsula Region
- Advancing Ecological Reference Points for Menhaden
- A Complex Past: Historical and Contemporary Fisheries Demonstrate Nonlinear Dynamics and a Loss of Determinism
- A First Step in Understanding Threats to Elusive Male Leatherback Sea Turtles
- A Global Assessment of Salmon Aquaculture Impacts on Wild Salmonids
- A Model of Parental Conflict: Predicting Provisioning Behavior of Penguin Partners in Response to Local Changes in Krill
- Abiotic and Human Drivers of Reef Habitat Complexity
- Accounting Explicitly for Predation Mortality in Surplus Production Models: an Application to Longfin Inshore Squid
- Accounting for Indirect Effects and NonCommensurate Values in Ecosystem Based Fishery Management
- Advances in Conservation Oceanography
- An ecosystem approach for assessment advice and biological reference points for the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank Atlantic herring complex
- An Integrated Approach to Historical Population Assessment of the Great Whales
- Annual Migrations, Diving Behavior, and Thermal Biology of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus Thynnus, on their Gulf of Mexico Breeding Grounds
- Antimicrobial Use in Aquaculture Re-examined: Its Relevance to Antimicrobial Resistance and to Animal and Human Health
- Aquaculture As Yet another Environmental Gateway to the Development and Globalisation of Antimicrobial Resistance
- Assessing Alternative Aquaculture Technologies: Life Cycle Assessment of Salmonid Culture Systems in Canada
- Assessing Pinniped Bycatch Mortality with Uncertainty in Abundance and Post-Release Mortality
- Atlantic bluefin tuna a novel multistock spatial model for assessment population biomass
- Bayesian Analysis of Size Dependent Overwinter Mortality from Size Frequency Distributions
- Behaviour Affects Local Scale Distributions of Antarctic Krill Around South Georgia
- Best Practices for Assessing and Managing Bycatch of Marine Mammals
- Buffers for Scientific Uncertainty in Stock Assessments—How Big Should They Be
- Building Effective Fishery Ecosystem Plans
- Bycatch Governance and Best Practice Mitigation Technology in Global Tuna Fisheries
- Calculating reference points for anthropogenic mortality of marine turtles
- Can We Manage Marine Mammal Bycatch Effectively in Low-Data Environments?
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- Chaos is Not Rare in Natural Ecosystems
- Chinstrap Penguins Alter Foraging And Diving Behavior in Response to the Size of Antarctic Krill
- Circumventing structural uncertainty: A Bayesian perspective on nonlinear forecasting for ecology
- Co-product Allocation in Life Cycle Assessments of Seafood Production Systems: Review of Problems and Strategies
- Commercial Whaling, Especially for Gray Whales, Eschrichtius robustus, and Humpback Whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, at California and Baja California Shore Stations in the 19th Century (1854–1899)
- Comparative Influence of Ocean Conditions on Yellowfin and Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
- Comparing Landings of United States Recreational Fishery Sectors
- Comparison of Harvest Control Policies for Rebuilding Overfished Populations Within a Fixed Rebuilding Time Frame
- Consumption impacts by marine mammals, fish, and seabirds on the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) complex during the years 1977-2002
- Cycles of Euphausia Superba Recruitment Evident in the Diet Of Pygoscelid Penguins And Net Trawls in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctic
- Devem as baleias ser abatidas para aumentar a producao pesqueira
- Diet of the White Dotted Skate Bathyraja Albomaculata in Waters Of Argentina
- Disaster Taxa in Microbially Mediated Metazoans: How Endosymbionts and Environmental Catastrophes Influence the Adaptive Capacity of Reef Corals
- Documenting Recovery of a Spawning Aggregation Through Size Frequency Analysis From Underwater Laser Calipers Measurements
- Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management for Social–Ecological Systems
- Ecosystem-Based Management and the Wealth of Ecosystems
- Ecosystem Effects of Invertebrate Fisheries
- Ecosystem Models Clarify the Trophic Role of Whales Off Northwest Africa
- Ecosystem-Based Forecasts of Recruitment in Two Menhaden Species
- Effectiveness of a Deep-sea Cold-water Coral Marine Protected Area
- Effects of Fisheries on Seabird Community Ecology
- Enhancing The Adaptive Capacity of Fisheries to Climate Change
- Estimates and implications of skate consumption in the northeast US Continental Shelf ecosystem
- Estimates of Predator Consumption of the Northern Shrimp Pandalus borealis with Implications for Estimates of Population Biomass in the Gulf of Maine
- Estimating Bycatch Mortality for Marine Mammal Stock Assessment
- Estimating Fishing and Natural Mortality Rates for Pacific Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus orientalis) Using Electronic Tagging Data
- Estimating the Abundance of Marine Mammal Populations
- Evaluating ecosystem-based reference points for Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus)
- Evaluating Management Strategies for Marine Mammal Populations in Iceland
- Evaluating Methods That Classify Fisheries Stock Status Using Only Fisheries Catch Data
- Evaluating Sustainability of Fisheries Bycatch Mortality for Marine Megafauna
- Evaluating the Effect of Predation Mortality on Forage Species Population Dynamics in the Northeast US Continental Shelf Ecosystem Using Multispecies Virtual Population Analysis
- Evaluating the Role of Large Jellyfish and Forage Fishes as Energy Pathways, And Their Interplay with Fisheries, In the Northern Humboldt Current System
- Exploring the Effects of Reductions in Krill Biomass in the Southern Ocean on Blue Whales Using a State-Dependent Foraging Model
- Exposure to Low pH, Hypoxia, and Anomalously Warm Temperatures Has Implications For Ocean Protection
- Factors Affecting Energy Expenditure in a Declining Fur Seal Population
- Feeding farmed salmon: Is organic better?
- Fisheries Observers as Enforcement Assets: Lessons from the North Pacific
- Fishing Effort Redistribution in Response to Area Closures
- Fishing for Aquaculture: Non-Food Use of Small Pelagic Forage Fish-A Global Perspective
- Fishing for Feed or Fishing for Food: Increasing Global Competition for Small Pelagic Forage Fish
- Franciscana bycatch is not reduced by acoustically reflective or physically stiffened gillnets
- From archives to conservation: why historical data are needed to set baselines for marine animals and ecosystems
- Fuel Use and Greenhouse Gas Emission Implications of Fisheries Management
- Functional feeding responses of piscivorous fishes from the northeast US continental shelf
- Genetic Analysis to Inform Conservation of Loggerhead Sea Turtles
- Geographic Patterns of Genetic Variation in a Broadly Distributed Marine Vertebrate
- Global Crustacean Stock Assessment Modeling Reconciling Available Data and Complexity
- Global Diversity Hotspots and Conservation Priorities for Sharks
- Global environmental drivers of influenza
- Global Overview on the Use of Fish Meal and Fish Oil in Industrially Compounded Aquafeeds: Trends and Future Prospects
- Grant-Making Criteria for Marine Science
- Harnessing Positive Species Interactions to Enhance Coastal Wetland Restoration
- Historical Catches of Humpback Whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, in the North Atlantic Ocean: Estimates of Landings and Removals
- Historical Reconstruction of Human Induced Changes in US Estuaries
- Impact Categories for Life Cycle Assessment Research of Seafood Production Systems: Review and Prospectus
- Impacts of Pollution, Fishing Pressure, And Reef Rugosity on Resource Fish Biomass in West Hawaiʻi
- Implications of Fisheries Allocation Policy on Anticipated Climate Change
- Including Indigenous Knowledge in Evidence-Based Decision-Making
- Increased Connectivity Between Freshwater and Marine Environments Strengthens Marine Ecosystems
- Injudicious and Excessive Use of Antibiotics: Public Health and Salmon Aquaculture in Chile
- Integrating Imputation and Standardization of Catch Rate Data in the Calculation of Relative Abundance Indices
- Issues of Ecosystem-Based Management of Forage Fisheries in “Open” Non-Stationary Ecosystems
- Jellyfish Blooms Could Indicate Imbalance in Ecosystem Health
- Large marine protected areas (LMPAs) in the Mediterranean Sea
- Large-scale Mapping of Live Corals to Guide Reef Conservation
- Large-Scale Movements and High-Use Areas of Western Pacific Leatherback Turtles, Dermochelys Coriacea
- Learning From and Leveraging Positive Species Interactions to Improve Coastal Restoration Success
- Life Cycle Considerations for Improving Sustainability Assessments in Seafood Awareness Campaigns
- Little Fish, Big Impact
- Little Fish in a Big Pond
- Long-term change in a meso-predator community in response to prolonged and heterogeneous human impact
- Long-term Population Size of the North Atlantic Humpback Whale Within the Context of Worldwide Population Structure
- Managing Forage Fish — Recommendations from the Lenfest Task Force
- Mapped Coral Mortality and Refugia in an Archipelago-Scale Marine Heat Wave
- Marine Historical Ecology: Informing the Future by Learning from the Past
- Marine Mammal Bycatch in Gillnet and Other Entangling Net Fisheries, 1990 to 2011
- Maturation Increases Early Reproductive Investment in Adelie Penguins Pygoscelis Adeliae
- Minimizing the Impact of Fishing
- Mitochondrial DNA diversity of the Southwestern Atlantic humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) breeding area off Brazil, and the potential connections to Antarctic feeding areas
- Movement patterns in Pacific leatherback turtle populations
- Movements and Diving Behavior of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Thunnus Thynnus
- New Insights into Loggerhead Turtle Stock Structure
- New Model Predicts the Presence of Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon in the Mid-Atlantic Bight
- New Publication Explores Relationships Among Species Subpopulations
- New Publication Provides Clarity on a Novel Ecosystem Modeling Approach
- New Research Explores the Behavior of Female Northern Fur Seals During Lactation
- Nineteenth century Ship based Catches of Gray Whales Eschrichtius Robustus
- Non-Linear Method Predicts Recruitment More Accurately Than Conventional Fishery Models
- Not All Salmon Are Created Equal Life Cycle Assessment LCA of Global Salmon Farming Systems
- Novel Algal Symbiont (Symbiodinium spp.) Diversity in Reef Corals of Western Australia
- Novel remote sensing method improves mapping and assessment of Hawaiʻi’s coral reefs
- Numerical Modeling of Aquaculture Dissolved Waste Transport in a Coastal Embayment
- Ocean Regime Shift Driving Collapse Whale Population
- Oceanographic Preferences of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Thunnus Thynnus on their Gulf of Mexico Breeding Grounds
- Paper Explores Fisheries Reform in China
- Paper Explores the Drivers of Krill Distribution and Abundance in The Northeastern United States
- Patterns of tropical warming
- Perspectives on Managing Fisheries for Community Wellbeing in the Face of Climate Change
- Past Lives - Piecing Together the Ecological History of Coastal Ecosystems Can Inform Todays Marine Management
- Population Structure of Humpback Whales from their Breeding Grounds in the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans
- Population Structure of South Pacific Humpback Whales and the Origin of the Eastern Polynesian Breeding Grounds
- Bioenergetic Model To Inform Fur Seal Management
- Predicting Coastal Algal Blooms in Southern California
- Predicting Suitable Habitat for the Cold-Water Coral Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia)
- Projecting Long-term Marine Mammal Abundance with Bycatch Data Through the mrefpoints Tool
- Quantification of U.S. Marine Fisheries Subsidies
- Quantifying Tag Reporting Rates for Atlantic Tuna Fleets Using Coincidental Tag Returns
- Rational Noncompliance and the Liquidation of Northeast Groundfish Resources
- Reassessing the Value of U.S. Coast Guard At-Sea Fishery Enforcement
- Redefining North Atlantic Right Whale Habitat-Use Patterns Under Climate Change
- Regional Reef Fish Survey Design and Scaling Using High-Resolution Mapping and Analysis
- Regulating a Complex Adaptive System via Its Wasp-Waist
- Research partnership demonstrates recovery of critically endangered grouper species
- Resources for Using Ecosystem Indicators in Practical Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management
- Resources from the International Crustacean Fisheries Task Force
- Responsible Aquaculture and Trophic Level Implications to Global Fish Supply
- Revisiting the Vulnerability of Undersized Bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and Yellowfin (T. albacares) Tuna Caught by Purse Seine Fisheries while Associating with Surface Waters and Floating Objects
- Robustness of potential biological removal to monitoring, environmental, and management uncertainties
- Salmon Aquaculture and Antimicrobial Resistance in the Marine Environment
- Satellites ID hotspots for bycatch of Pacific leatherback turtles
- Results and implications of the first global effort to identify ecologically or biologically significant marine areas
- Should Whales Be Culled to Increase Fishery Yield?
- Social-ecological vulnerability and risk of China’s marine capture fisheries to climate change
- Social-ecological Vulnerability of Fishing Communities on the US West Coast to Climate Change
- Socioeconomic Indicators as a Complement to Life Cycle Assessment: An Application to Salmon Production Systems
- Sourcing seafood for the three major markets: The EU, Japan and the USA
- Spatial optimization of protected area placement incorporating ecological and social criteria
- Spatial surplus production modeling of Atlantic tunas and billfish
- Stakeholder-driven conceptual models to support the implementation of EBFM in the U.S. Caribbean
- Study Assesses Potential for Jellyfish to Compete with Forage Fish in Alaska
- Study Links Diversity to Ecosystem Stability in a Fish Community
- Subsidies to high seas bottom trawl fleets and the sustainability of deepsea demersal fish stocks
- Sustainability of Deep-Sea Fisheries
- The Convention on Biological Diversity's Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas: Origins, development, and current status
- The Economic Efficiency of a Time-Area Closure to Protect Spawning Bluefin Tuna
- The Global Contribution of Forage Fish to Marine Fisheries and Ecosystems
- The Impact of Damming on River Herring and Freshwater Ecosystems
- The Importance of Habitat and Life History to Extinction Risk in Sharks, Skates, Rays and Chimaeras
- The Risks of Overfishing
- The strong connection between forage fish and their predators: A response to Hilborn et al. (2017)
- The Winter Distribution of Chinstrap Penguins from Two Breeding Sites in the South Shetland Islands of Antarctica
- Top-Down Control of Lobster in the Gulf of Maine: Insights From Local Ecological Knowledge and Research Surveys
- Benchmarks for Ecosystem Assessment: Indicators for Practical Ecosystem-Based Fisheries
- Trait-based Approaches to Global Change Ecology
- Transforming Reef Fisheries Management: Application of an Ecosystem-Based Approach in the US Caribbean
- Transition to Independence and Evidence of Extended Parental Care in the Gentoo Penguin
- Trends in the Exploitation of South Atlantic Shark Populations
- Understanding and Engaging Values in Policy Relevant Science
- Understanding Perceptions of Climate Vulnerability to Inform Adaptation in Coastal Communities
- Understanding the Evolution of Migration Through Empirical Examples
- Using Traits-Based Approaches to Facilitate Climate Adaptation in Fisheries Management
- Valuing seafood: The Peruvian fisheries sector
- 'Whales Eat Fish'? Demystifying the Myth in the Caribbean Marine Ecosystem
- You Can Swim But You Can’t Hide: The Global Status and Conservation of Oceanic Pelagic Sharks and Rays
- Resources for Climate Resilience and Kelp Forest Protection in Baja California MPAs
Climate vulnerability assessments (CVAs) on marine fisheries can be used to identify how fisheries, stakeholders, and communities may be affected by climate change, thereby helping to inform strategies for adaptation. In this paper, a team of researchers reviewed the global literature on CVAs to better understand what approaches and indicators are used in different social-ecological contexts, how well different scales and regions are represented, and how different knowledge systems inform vulnerability in these assessments. This review provides a critical reference for the methods and current status of CVAs on fisheries. Their findings highlight the need for more research and resources in low-income tropical countries to ensure inequities are not increased in the future. Further, they identify areas where research could improve the utility and applicability of CVAs, provide suggestions for conducting CVAs in data-limited regions, and expand on opportunities for wider applicability of CVAs, for example, the potential use of vulnerability indicators in broader monitoring and management schemes.
Read the full paper here.
Li, Y., Sun, M., Kleisner, K.M., Mills, K.E., Chen, Y. (2023) A global synthesis of climate vulnerability assessments on marine fisheries: Methods, scales, and knowledge co-production. Global Change Biology. 00:1–17. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16733
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook University