Listen: Interactive Webinar on Identifying Priorities for Shifting Marine Species
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On Friday, September 20, The Lenfest Ocean Program hosted an interactive webinar for participants to share their perspectives on shifting marine species. Following presentations by Sarah Close of Lenfest, Bob Beal of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, and Roger Griffis of NOAA Fisheries, participants divided into virtual breakout groups (which were not recorded) to discuss key research needs.
This webinar was a precursor to an Ideas Lab workshop that the Lenfest Ocean Program, in collaboration with the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the Biodiversity Funder’s Group, will host later this fall to discuss the future of U.S. fisheries in the face of climate change, generate research priorities, and kickstart the funding of key research projects. The application period for this workshop closed on August 22.